
The Pros and Cons of an Air Source Heat Pump

Article source: InformationPublished on:2023-05-15

nvesting in an air source heat pump can be beneficial, as they have many advantages, such as:

Reasonable capital costs. 

The ease with which air source heat pumps are installed (both air to air and air to water).

Low carbon emissions.

High efficiency. With an average COP of 3.2, air source heat pumps perform well without wasting energy.

Low running costs, meaning lower energy bills.

In addition, when purchasing an air to water heat pump, you are eligible for the government's Renewable Heat Incentive scheme (RHI). You can read more about the RHI scheme in our “Grants” section.

However, there are also some disadvantages that should be considered:

The risk of ice forming when condensed air produces water that freezes at low temperatures. When this happens, the heat flow can be interrupted.

The outdoor fan can be somewhat noisy. However, the higher the quality of the pump, the more silent it will likely be.

The maximum temperature of the water from the taps tends to be lower than that of tap water heated with traditional systems. 

When a heat pump is not the right size or strength to meet the needs of the household, the efficiency will be negatively affected.

Many of the downsides above can be prevented by having professional installers to plan and install the air source heat pump system. Keep in mind that you will need to take proper care of your heat pump. Keeping up with maintenance will ensure that the efficiency stays up to par. A pump that is well taken care of can produce up to 25% more energy. Maintenance takes time and is costly, but it is worth it as it will keep your running costs low.


Manager Ye

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